Solve disputes without VCAT - SPI Property Inspections

Solve building disputes without VCAT

Do you have an unresolved dispute? Here’s what you can do before it escalates.

disputes with builder

After months of disagreements, you find yourself in a standoff regarding an aspect of a build. You may be the owner just wanting to complete your new home, or you may be the builder who feels as though your opinions aren’t being listened to.  For both parties, it can be an unsettling time and a solution isn’t always going to occur straight away. Before you seek recourse through legal means, there is now a free impartial service available for both builders and home owners known as the Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria (DBDRV). As of April 2017, this service is offered to those who are currently experiencing disputes and aims to resolve the situation before costly action is required.



DBDRV has the following objectives:

  • To encourage conciliation, bringing both parties together to discuss and resolve disputes.
  • To provide free advice and information to both parties
  • To offer free expert technical building assessments to assist the resolution process
  • To help settle disputes concerning construction, alterations and renovations, extensions, building work such as garages, driveways, swimming pools and spas, demolition and some types of home repairs.
  • To help settle disputes concerning construction, alterations and renovations, extensions, building work such as garages, driveways, swimming pools and spas, demolition and some types of home repairs.


DBDRV do recommend the following steps before using their service:

  • Attempt to have a face to face meet with the other party and communicate your concerns
  • Prepare some notes that you would like to discuss regarding your issue. With this step, you can also arrange a Special Purpose Inspection with SPI. Having a qualified inspector produce a report can be shown to the other party when making a point about your concerns and possibly help persuading your case.
  • Make sure to treat the other party with respect, listen to their concerns and communicate appropriately.
  • If these steps do not resolve the issue, let the party know that you will be lodging an application to DBDRV.

If the situation cannot be resolved at this point, it may escalate to VCAT. When it reaches this point, you will need to obtain expert evidence.  SPI can assist in two ways:

  1. Providing Expert Evidence in the form of a written report and/or
  2. Providing an Expert Witness


SPI can prepare a detailed VCAT compliant legal document to submit as expert evidence. We also have the specialised knowledge, qualifications and experience to present evidence to the Tribunal and act as an expert witness. To find out more about how we can help you during this difficult time, click here. For bookings, call our team on 1300 721 032 or complete a quick online quote here.