Being Prepared For The Bushfire Season
Australian summers are synonymous with backyard BBQ’s, days at the beach and picnics with family and friends. However, this time of the year is also renowned for bushfires around the country. For this reason, it’s imperative to know what precautions to take to keep our families and properties safe.
Recent predictions from the Climate Council indicate that Victoria is at risk of facing longer and increasingly dangerous bushfire seasons. The Climate Council’s Professor Tim Flannery stated the following; “Victoria, as the state worst-affected by bushfires in Australia, is on the frontline of increasing bushfire risk due to climate change.” With Victoria experiencing such dry conditions, the risk for an increase in bushfires and grassfires grows.
So what does this mean for you?
Knowing the steps to take to prepare your home will give you the best chance of survival during a bushfire. SPI recommends that property maintenance is essential in protecting homes from fire threat. Specifically, homeowners can protect their roof from fire-fuelling debris by clearing roof gutters of leaves, twigs and branches.
Roof problems are not always obvious – let’s face it, you don’t often get up on your roof to check it, if at all. Besides, your roof may be hard to access, or you’re not even sure where to look. So you may not be aware that damage has occurred, or issues are building up.
There are often some common trouble spots that can be identified via a roof inspection. By identifying these areas, and dealing with them quickly, you can avoid more serious problems of cracking, rotting and leaks that can penetrate the house and cost you big money.
As we come into bushfire time too, it’s critical that you consider the state of your roof and how it might impact on the safety of your home. Most homes ignite when sparks or burning embers blow under roof tiles and start burning roofing timbers, so it’s crucial you prevent burning material from gaining access.
Some of the common roof problems we come across include:
- Moisture and roof leaks
- Roof fixings becoming loose and/or dislodging
- Moss and lichen growth
- Deterioration of roof membrane
- Soffits and fascia boards cracked or rotting
- Ponding water
- Gutters which are rusty and leaking
- Faulty installation and poor workmanship
- Lack of maintenance
If the condition of your roof is a concern, contact us at SPI Property Inspections. We can give you professional advice and put your mind at rest. Catching an issue early might save you the cost of a complete roof replacement.
For further information, check out our article titled ‘How safe is your roof?‘ that outlines some common roof problems and how SPI can carry out a roof assessment and provide some professional advice.
Phone us today on 1300 721 032 or complete a quick quote online today.